Yates Ultra Success Concentrate 200ml
Controls common caterpillars, plus other insect pests like thrips, codling moth, slug and citrus leaf miner.,
Contains spinetoram, the latest generation insect control - derived from beneficial soil bacteria.
- Highly effective formulation that controls caterpillars on key crops; tomatoes, herbs, vegetables and ornamental plants
- Controls codling moth on apples and pears
- Other insect pests controlled: thrips, tomato potato psyllid (TPP), citrus leaf miner, pear & cherry slug, tomato leaf miner, leaf rollers, and oriental fruit moth
- Low toxic formulation, registered for use on edible plants
- Spinetoram has translaminar action, which enables it to move from the upper surface of the leaf to the underside, helping to make it resistant to rain and sunlight six hours after application